ADA Toilet Grab Bars & Safety Rails
16 products
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Keep your restrooms safe and compliant with our ADA toilet grab bars. These grab bars are great for handicap bathrooms but can and should be implemented in any restroom to keep patrons and/or residents safe.
We provide the best product online for businesses looking to outfit their facilities, but we also provide the best service in the industry. We even have the know-how you need to do the job right!
What Are ADA Toilet Grab Bars
ADA toilet grab bars are devices to help the elderly, handicapped, or by any means physically/mentally disabled navigate the toilet safely.
They help certain groups of people sit down onto and stand up off of the toilet easily and safely. They are essential in just about every public-use restroom. This means your business or facility needs at least one stall per restroom outfitted according to ADA compliance.
There are many other specifications that must be meant aside from the ADA toilet grab bars to remain in compliance, but this is a big one.
Other Types Of Safety Grab Bars
As it turns out, too, this is just one of the types of grab bars you’ll find at Live Well! We offer a wide range of racks and bars to outfit not just a business restroom, but even your home bathroom.
And, these aren’t just ugly, metal bars. Some of these are incredibly decorative, and can help your home or business bathroom pop. Here are the full range of categories you’ll find here:
- ADA Towel Grab Bars
- ADA Shower or Bathtub Grab Bars & Safety Rails
- ADA Bathroom Grab Bars & Safety Rails
One of the great things about some of our ADA toilet grab bars is the multi-function capabilities of them. For example, we carry some 2-in-1 safety rails that act not just as a grab bar, but even as a toilet paper holder! Some of our grab bars are even a vertical swing-up style to make sitting and standing up even more simple.
No matter what you’re searching for, odds are we have it here. And if you can’t find it, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Our experts will help you find exactly what you need! Now, let’s talk about ADA toilet grab bar compliance.
General Restroom & Toilet ADA Compliance Recommendations
Nevertheless, your journey to creating ADA compliant toilets starts with the actual design of your restrooms. The toilet must be centered 18” to an adjacent side wall or partition, where the sidewall is at least 54” in length.
Flush controls for said toilet either need to be automatic (motion detected), or on the wide, open side of your toilet.
What Makes A Toilet Seat Grab Bar ADA Compliant?
Not all grab bars for the toilet are actually ADA Compliant. To truly be considered ADA approved, it needs to meet certain standards in terms of build and placement.
For example, the grab bar itself needs to be at least 1.25”-1.5” in outside diameter (the gripping surface) to accommodate the shape of all hands. Furthermore, you need to ensure space between the toilet seat grab bar and the wall it’s mounted on is at least 1.5” - so even the largest hands can grab onto it without the wall interfering.
If you want to be sure the products you buy are truly ADA toilet grab bars, stick with the ones you find here at LiveWell. This way, you know your assets are covered and you can outfit your facility properly. Let’s talk about the most important aspect of ADA toilet compliance - where should toilet grab bars be placed?
Where Should Toilet Grab Bars Be Placed?
The biggest aspect affecting ADA compliance is the height, location, and quantity of grab bars for toilets. If your bars are hung too close to the adjacent wall, or too low/high, you’ll get dinged during an inspection.
But, perhaps worse, your handicapped & elderly customers, patrons, or residents will be adversely affected, and remember their experience. We’re here to make sure that doesn’t happen to you!
The grab bar itself matters when it comes to ADA classification. It needs to be certain lengths, certain materials, certain width - most of which we’ve covered above. You should also seek out an ADA toilet grab bar with grip if possible, to help increase the safety these rails provide.
Then, start by ensuring each ADA restroom has two grab bars for the toilet. One will go on the rear wall - right behind the toilet. The other will attach the adjacent side wall.
What Is The ADA Height For Toilet Grab Bars?
Both the rear and side toilet seat grab bars need to be hung at a height between 33”-36” to be considered ADA compliant. This ensures they are optimized to help those in wheelchairs get on/off the seat safely and fluidly.
Height is important, but there’s actually more. The side wall grab bar needs to have at least 12” of clearance from the connecting rear wall. The bar itself must be 42” in length.
As for the rear wall, this bar must be at least 36” long if the toilet isn’t located in a stall. The end closest to the side wall needs 12” from the centerline of the toilet, and 24” on the transfer side (where the wheelchair will park). This means the bar is actually not to be centered over the toilet, which is a common mistake affecting ADA toilet compliance.